Power Tv

Welcome the digital destination for the latest news, insights, and in-depth analysis from around the world. Our app offers a seamless and engaging news experience, keeping you updated on the go.

project overview

Power tv digital news app! It’s your go-to place for all the latest news, interesting insights, and deep analyses from around the world. Our app is easy to use and keeps you updated wherever you are. Whether you’re busy or have some downtime, our app makes sure you’re always in the loop. You can explore different viewpoints, stay updated on what’s happening, and really understand the big stories. Join us as we make staying informed simpler and more enjoyable than ever before!

Problem Statement

The digital news app aims to provide users with the latest news, insights, and analyses from around the world in an easy-to-use format. However, it faces several UX challenges that hinder its effectiveness and user satisfaction. The key problems identified in the app include The app presents a large amount of information, which can be overwhelming for users. It becomes challenging for users to find relevant news and insights amidst the sea of information.

our solution

Implement a recommendation system that suggests news articles based on user preferences and reading habits. Allow users to customize their news feed by selecting topics of interest.Streamline the app’s navigation by categorizing news articles into easily accessible sections. Use clear labels and icons to guide users to relevant content. Introduce interactive features such as polls, quizzes, and comments to encourage user engagement. This will make the app more dynamic and increase user interaction.

Design Process


-User Research
-User Interviews
-Competitor’s Analysis


-Problem Statement
-Empathy map


-User Journey map
-Problem Statement


-Visual Design


Usability Testin
Problem Statement

Onboarding Screen

The screens which Sign In option enables existing users to log in to their accounts, while the Sign Up option allows new users to create a new account and start exploring the app.

Home Screen

The home screen should provide a seamless experience for users to discover Cateory, receive personalized advisements, and explore Popular News.

The Advertisement section This section helps users discover Trending News Experience.

Popular News Section is trending news will showing home page user can check trending new quickly

Tab bar Screen

The screens which would introduce & brief you about the application with just few screens in the initial stage

App Flow

“app flow” generally refers to sequence of the screens of the steps that a user goes through when using a application. it includes the various stages of interaction from the moment a user opens the app to the completion of a goal.

Important Screens

the important features sections related to collaboration in the Local Artisans and Designer Collaboration.

Upon selecting a Treading New it’s Coming live news Information News Details

Articles Page Showing all New Blogs information News Live Details.

Home Menu Click user see All Information All Type Categories.

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