Namma Bengaluru Aquarium

Welcome to Namma Bengaluru Aquarium stands as a captivating jewel, inviting visitors on a wondrous journey into the aquatic realms of our planet. Situated in the heart of Bangalore, this aquatic sanctuary within Cubbon Park seamlessly blends the tranquility of nature with the vibrancy of marine life.

project overview

The Namma Bengaluru Aquarium Mobile aims to showcase the beauty and diversity of marine life housed within the aquarium, located in Cubbon Park, Bangalore. However, the website faces several UX challenges that hinder its ability to effectively engage and inform visitors. The key problems identified in the website include The website lacks comprehensive information about the aquarium, its exhibits, and visiting hours. This makes it difficult for visitors to plan their visit and understand what to expect.The website lacks visual appeal, with outdated design elements and low-quality images. This fails to captivate visitors and showcase the beauty of the aquarium and its marine life.

Problem Statement

The digital news app aims to provide users with the latest news, insights, and analyses from around the world in an easy-to-use format. However, it faces several UX challenges that hinder its effectiveness and user satisfaction. The key problems identified in the app include The app presents a large amount of information, which can be overwhelming for users. It becomes challenging for users to find relevant news and insights amidst the sea of information.

our solution

Provide detailed information about the aquarium, including exhibits, species, conservation efforts, and visiting hours. This will help visitors plan their visit and understand the significance of the aquarium.Streamline the website’s navigation by organizing content into clear categories and using intuitive menus. Ensure important sections, such as ticket booking and exhibit details, are easily accessible from the homepage.Update the website’s design with high-quality images and modern design elements. Use visuals to showcase the beauty of the aquarium and its marine life, creating a captivating user experience.

Design Process


-User Research
-User Interviews
-Competitor’s Analysis


-Problem Statement
-Empathy map


-User Journey map
-User Flow
-Empathy map


-Visual Design


-Usability Testing
-Visual Design

Onboarding Screen

The screens which Sign In option enables existing users to log in to their accounts, while the Sign Up option allows new users to create a new account and start exploring the app.

Onboarding Screen

The screens which Sign In option enables existing users to log in to their accounts, while the Sign Up option allows new users to create a new account and start exploring the app.

Home Screen

The home screen should provide a seamless experience for users to discover stories, receive personalized advisements, and explore trending artisans, designers, and products.

The Advertisement section This section helps users discover new offers and their shopping experience.

Shop by Category here user Select Particular category List.

Tab bar Screen

The screens which would introduce & brief you about the application with just few screens in the initial stage

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